Petrovic v. York Condominium Corporation No. 60 (Condominium Authority Tribunal) May 13, 2022

13/05/2022 – Jurisdiction Ontario
Part 78 published on 01/06/2022
Condominium corporation obligated to provide explanations for redactions

The condominium corporation had provided requested records, with various redactions.  The Tribunal noted that the condominium corporation had not provided explanatory statements for the redactions, as required by Section 13.8(1)(b) of Regulation 48/01.  The Tribunal ordered the condominium corporation to provide such explanatory statements. The Tribunal said:


In most circumstances it is possible through context clues to guess the basis for the redaction – like where the minutes discuss a specific unit, and the unit number is blacked out. But, for the longer redactions it is not possible to understand the basis for the redaction. Owners should not have to guess the basis for the redactions. I will therefore order that the Respondent provide an updated accompanying statement document that explains the basis of each redaction.

Petrovic v York Condominium Corporation No. 60