Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 1510 v. John Wayne McCauley and Anne McCauley (Ontario Supreme Court of Justice)

16/05/13 – Jurisdiction Ontario
Part 23 published on 01/09/08
Condominium corporation’s evidence insufficient

The condominium corporation sought an order requiring the respondents to comply with the Condominium Act, 1998, and the declaration, by-laws and rules of the condominium, and for reimbursement of costs allegedly incurred as a result of the alleged violations.  The condominium corporation alleged that Ms McCauley had violated sections 27(1) and 116 of the Act by giving direction to the condominium’s landscaper.  The condominium corporation alleged that Mr. McCauley had breached sections 116 and 117 of the Act by causing damage to the property when he allegedly dyed his hair in the second floor change room.  

The Court found that the condominium corporation did not have sufficient evidence of these allegations, and dismissed the application.